Maze Project Cover Image

Maze Project

An immersive 3D maze game experience

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Key Features

3D Navigation

3D Navigation

Experience immersive 3D navigation through the maze.

Dynamic Lighting

Dynamic Lighting

Enjoy dynamic lighting effects that enhance the gameplay.

Interactive Enemies

Interactive Enemies

Face interactive enemies that challenge your skills.


This project was inspired by the classic maze games and first-person shooters from the 90s. Developed over several months, it showcases advanced graphics techniques and game design principles.

Hi, I'm Sean Kihiu, the developer of this project. My passion for game development and graphics programming led me to create this immersive 3D maze game. I enjoy tackling complex challenges and bringing creative ideas to life.

This project is a part of my portfolio at Holberton School, demonstrating my skills in game development, C programming, and SDL2. Feel free to explore the code on my GitHub and connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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